The Beginning

Today marks the start of my personal technology documentation. I am currently a Junior in University majoring in Information Technology. My first tech accomplishment was the CompTIA A+ certification which I passed in my senior year of High School. I have also received a Google IT Professional Certification at the end of 2020. Since both of these certs are fairly broad in what they cover, I am looking to pursue more specific certs. One that I am currently looking at is the Security+ from CompTIA, or other cloud-specific ones such as Microsoft Azure or AWS.

Some of my personal interests right now include self-hosting applications on low power SoCs such as a raspberry pi, programming, scripting, system administering, Linux, and overall tinkering with computers and software. My current personal project is creating a NAS from a Raspberry Pi 4 which hosts other services such as Plex for movie streaming. The current hope for this personal blog is to force myself to document things for my own use, and help other people who may face the same problems that I do.

The current technologies that I know pretty well at this moment in time are Docker, Python, Java, Windows Server 2019, and Linux (I can get it to do what I want, but I am not an all-encompassing master). Technologies that I want to gain more knowledge on are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Lastly, I am looking at learning AWS/Azure along with other cloud-related services that I can get my hands on.